

Starts 4th February, 6.30-7.30pm


CWEA, Christchurch

Session information


Session 1
18:30 - 19:30
1 hour
CWEA, Christchurch
    Session 2
    18:30 - 19:30
    1 hour
    CWEA, Christchurch
      Session 3
      18:30 - 19:30
      1 hour
      CWEA, Christchurch
        Session 4
        18:30 - 19:30
        1 hour
        CWEA, Christchurch
          Session 5
          18:30 - 19:30
          1 hour
          CWEA, Christchurch
            Session 6
            18:30 - 19:30
            1 hour
            CWEA, Christchurch
              Session 7
              18:30 - 19:30
              1 hour
              CWEA, Christchurch
                Session 8
                18:30 - 19:30
                1 hour
                CWEA, Christchurch
                  • With Membership discount $47.00 incl. GST
                  • with Life Membership discount $47.00 incl. GST
                  • $49.00 incl. GST


                  This 8-week course is designed for those with limited or no knowledge, or those who want to refresh their pronunciation of te reo Māori and gain confidence and understanding. We will also be introduced to enough knowledge to:

                  -        Participate in karakia, himene and waiata

                  -        Understand basic tikanga Māori

                  -        Understand and speak basic greetings, farewells and numbers

                  Class is limited to 10 people so plenty of opportunity for practice and feedback.

                  Maria has an MBA and has taught basic pronunciation and introductory classes for government agencies while working for Te Puni Kokiri Ministry for Māori Development. She retired in 2018 but is eager to support all those wanting to build their confidence in Te Reo Māori.