

Starts 9th August, 6 Fridays, 10am-12pm


All levels of experience welcome. Each Friday a friendly group of people who enjoy making art, meet in the hall at WEA to paint, draw, collage and generally be creative. Some of us have been painting or drawing for a while and are happy to share what we know with others. Maybe you want some help, a different perspective on your art or want additional inspiration or a space to create.

What can you expect? We begin with a short talk or visual art prompt for a15-20mins, with a cuppa and chat, followed by making art.  You can bring your own creative work rather than follow the theme for the day and proceed at your own pace with likeminded people. 

Themes for this term are:

Aug 9: Margaret will discuss Frida Kahlo’s vibrant artwork, great imagery to cheer us up in the middle of winter. Select an image (which we can print a copy of) as the starting point for your own unique colourful art.

Aug 16: Jeanne will share images from the NSW Art Gallery’s major Archibald, Wynne and Sulman Prizes. These feature portraiture, landscape and indigenous art. Again, you can select an image or concept from this talk to spark your own art response in one of these genres.

Aug 23: Still Life Re-imagined. We will look at art made during last term’s Still Life sessions and how initial sketches can be re-developed into a more graphic or stylised composition. We will have items on hand to make your own simple still life or bring some items to create.

Aug 31: Charles Rennie Mackintosh and Art Nouveau 

Sep 6 & 7: Desert of Forbidden Art This avant-garde art from what is now Uzbekistan was forbidden by Stalin. Jeanne will explore this style of art and the history surrounding its re-classification. Then we can make art over a couple of weeks in this style.

We each bring along our own materials e.g. brushes, paint and paper/canvas. Note: we have some pencils, paint and water jars/newspaper as well as boards to lean on