

Starts 4th February, 2-3pm,


CWEA, Christchurch

Session information


Session 1
14:00 - 15:00
1 hour
CWEA, Christchurch
    Session 2
    14:00 - 15:00
    1 hour
    CWEA, Christchurch
      Session 3
      14:00 - 15:00
      1 hour
      CWEA, Christchurch
        Session 4
        14:00 - 15:00
        1 hour
        CWEA, Christchurch
          Session 5
          14:00 - 15:00
          1 hour
          CWEA, Christchurch
            Session 6
            14:00 - 15:00
            1 hour
            CWEA, Christchurch
              Session 7
              14:00 - 15:00
              1 hour
              CWEA, Christchurch
                Session 8
                14:00 - 15:00
                1 hour
                CWEA, Christchurch
                  • With Membership discount $58.00 incl. GST
                  • with Life Membership discount $58.00 incl. GST
                  • $60.00 incl. GST


                  This course is aimed at those wanting something a little more challenging. With aims to sing in at least three part acapella harmony, Deen will put on his "musical director" hat and help you learn and perform some fun and challenging songs as a choir. We will be learning some of Deen's arrangements written in notation, so if you don't already read music, you will likely finish the class with a better understanding of notation than when you started. No experience is necessarily required but if you're a little shy, Deen would recommend you attend his "Singing For Pleasure" class first.